What is the f'th term of 391, 768, 1133, 1480, 1803, 2096, 2353?
What is the j'th term of -39264, -39267, -39272, -39279, -39288, -39299, -39312?
What is the v'th term of 1070, 8502, 28668, 67934, 132666, 229230, 363992, 543318?
What is the r'th term of 191, 241, 331, 467, 655?
What is the v'th term of 32, 66, 100, 134?
What is the k'th term of 809, 3226, 7255, 12896, 20149, 29014?
What is the g'th term of 50, 75, 116, 173?
What is the z'th term of 15397, 15398, 15399, 15400?
What is the u'th term of 9, 17, 33, 57, 89, 129, 177?
What is the j'th term of -39264, -39267, -39272, -39279, -39288, -39299, -39312?
What is the z'th term of 37, 48, 63, 82, 105?
What is the i'th term of 333, 663, 995, 1329?
What is the v'th term of 1070, 8502, 28668, 67934, 132666, 229230, 363992, 543318?
What is the g'th term of -4174, -4172, -4170?
What is the m'th term of -36, -230, -746, -1746, -3392, -5846?