What is the k'th term of 10, 10, 8, 4, -2, -10, -20?
What is the i'th term of 408, 1608, 3606, 6402, 9996?
What is the m'th term of 672, 679, 690, 705, 724, 747, 774?
What is the z'th term of 117, 110, 101, 90, 77, 62?
What is the t'th term of -1248, -1246, -1244?
What is the n'th term of -28, -35, -16, 35, 124, 257, 440?
What is the w'th term of 7, -14, -61, -146, -281?
What is the k'th term of 4, 22, 50, 82, 112?
What is the p'th term of -6, -33, -110, -261, -510?
What is the i'th term of 408, 1608, 3606, 6402, 9996?
What is the h'th term of 55, 131, 231, 355, 503, 675, 871?
What is the o'th term of 11, 25, 39?
What is the m'th term of 672, 679, 690, 705, 724, 747, 774?
What is the a'th term of -971, -965, -955, -941, -923, -901, -875?
What is the l'th term of -266, -268, -272, -278?