What is the r'th term of -127, -126, -125, -124, -123, -122?
What is the k'th term of -1464, -1460, -1446, -1416, -1364, -1284, -1170?
What is the y'th term of -65, -133, -195, -251, -301, -345, -383?
What is the m'th term of -138, -497, -1096, -1935, -3014?
What is the r'th term of 21, 64, 145, 282, 493?
What is the d'th term of 4966, 9933, 14900, 19867, 24834, 29801?
What is the g'th term of -72, -116, -170, -240, -332, -452, -606?
What is the t'th term of 7, 7, -15, -71, -173, -333?
What is the q'th term of -1, -10, -31, -70, -133?
What is the k'th term of -1464, -1460, -1446, -1416, -1364, -1284, -1170?
What is the m'th term of -169, -763, -1759, -3163, -4981?
What is the t'th term of -431, -863, -1297, -1733, -2171, -2611?
What is the y'th term of -65, -133, -195, -251, -301, -345, -383?
What is the k'th term of -82, -86, -90, -94?
What is the b'th term of 30, 46, 72, 114, 178, 270, 396?