What is the z'th term of -18, -52, -100, -156, -214, -268, -312, -340?
What is the i'th term of 119, 264, 411, 560, 711, 864?
What is the v'th term of -99, -345, -755, -1329, -2067, -2969?
What is the q'th term of -941, -940, -939, -938?
What is the j'th term of -107, -414, -927, -1646?
What is the k'th term of -51, -120, -189, -258, -327, -396?
What is the y'th term of -137, -264, -395, -530?
What is the v'th term of 10, 3, -22, -71, -150, -265, -422?
What is the p'th term of 459, 892, 1325, 1758, 2191?
What is the i'th term of 119, 264, 411, 560, 711, 864?
What is the r'th term of -99, -181, -249, -303, -343, -369, -381?
What is the y'th term of -188, -190, -192?
What is the v'th term of -99, -345, -755, -1329, -2067, -2969?
What is the m'th term of 913, 1822, 2729, 3634, 4537, 5438?
What is the f'th term of 73, 303, 691, 1243, 1965?