What is the y'th term of 7790, 7789, 7786, 7781, 7774, 7765, 7754?
What is the x'th term of 3485, 3489, 3491, 3491?
What is the z'th term of -508, -1018, -1520, -2008, -2476, -2918, -3328, -3700?
What is the f'th term of -57, -239, -549, -993, -1577, -2307?
What is the l'th term of -422, -423, -424?
What is the r'th term of 36, 65, 90, 111, 128, 141?
What is the r'th term of 1065, 1062, 1059, 1056, 1053?
What is the j'th term of -419, -420, -421, -422?
What is the b'th term of 53, 93, 129, 167, 213?
What is the x'th term of 3485, 3489, 3491, 3491?
What is the s'th term of -218, -434, -650, -866, -1082, -1298?
What is the d'th term of 103, 186, 283, 400, 543?
What is the z'th term of -508, -1018, -1520, -2008, -2476, -2918, -3328, -3700?
What is the y'th term of -518, -1034, -1550?
What is the f'th term of 13, 48, 95, 160, 249?