What is the u'th term of -67, -122, -177?
What is the x'th term of -44, -83, -122, -161, -200, -239?
What is the u'th term of -30, -62, -92, -120, -146, -170?
What is the a'th term of 40, 38, 34, 28?
What is the c'th term of 685, 702, 719?
What is the g'th term of -34, 15, 64, 113?
What is the l'th term of -14935, -14936, -14937, -14938?
What is the p'th term of 19, -5, -69, -179, -341, -561?
What is the k'th term of 49138, 49139, 49140?
What is the x'th term of -44, -83, -122, -161, -200, -239?
What is the k'th term of 11, 33, 65, 107, 159, 221?
What is the g'th term of 164, 330, 496?
What is the u'th term of -30, -62, -92, -120, -146, -170?
What is the z'th term of -73, -166, -281, -418, -577?
What is the n'th term of 5282, 5289, 5300, 5315, 5334, 5357?