Let m = 144 + -134. Find the second derivative of 4*i4 + 47*i + m*i5 - 124*i - 2*i5 + 2*i5 wrt i.
200*i3 + 48*i2
Let s = -3656 + 3656. Let l(x) be the first derivative of 0*x + 0*x2 - 11 - 4⁄3*x3 - 16⁄5*x5 + s*x4. What is the third derivative of l(j) wrt j?
Let t = 4 + -2. Let i be 5*12/(-630) - 260/(-84). Find the second derivative of i*ot + 0*o2 - 4*o - 2*o**2 wrt o.
Suppose -1 = -12*c + 35. What is the third derivative of -528 + 25*uc + 3*u2 - 50*u**2 + 528 wrt u?
Suppose -5*s + 1940 = 5*o, 0*o - o = -5*s + 1958. Find the third derivative of 320*n5 + 2*n2 - s*n5 + 5*n + n2 wrt n.
Let l be 144/(-56) + 3 - (-64)/14. Find the second derivative of 42*t4 - t5 + 2*t**l - 1441*t + 1410*t wrt t.
20*t3 + 504*t2
Find the second derivative of -191*p**5 - 449*p + 280*p - 761*p wrt p.
Let y(w) be the third derivative of 11 + 3*w2 + 0*w4 + 0*w3 - 2⁄3*w5 + 0*w + 5⁄8*w**6. Find the third derivative of y(u) wrt u.
Suppose i - 3*t - 1 = -3*i, 2*i + 5*t + 19 = 0. Let j be (1/i)/(1/(-16)). What is the second derivative of -5*z + 10*z - z4 - 4*z4 - j*z**4 wrt z?
Let c(q) = 9. Let l(m) = -2*m**2 + 321*m + 14. Let h(y) = 4*c(y) - l(y). What is the derivative of h(g) wrt g?
4*g - 321