Solve 0 = f - 5*y - 10, 0 = -2*f + 5*f - 3*y - 18 for f.
What is the h'th term of -177, -186, -195, -204, -213, -222?
What is the c'th term of -47, -45, -43, -41, -39?
What is the q'th term of 31, 114, 253, 448, 699, 1006?
What is the y'th term of -1, 13, 43, 95, 175, 289, 443?
What is the m'th term of 556, 547, 526, 487, 424, 331, 202?
What is the u'th term of 476, 473, 476, 491, 524, 581?